Andrea Haandrikman-Schraets


Insightful and connecting projects consist o.o. of (interactive) installations, with light, film and digital works.

The installations of Andrea Haandrikman-Schraets are based on some of the following theme’s: freedom, story-telling and confrontation.

The art on this website gives an overview of the last 5 years. More info.

“Lady of Free Birds”
The 21st part in a series of art works dedicated to powerful women
o.o. mixed media, free birds, juten, bark and light.

Art installation
180 bij 300 cm.

Part of the Exhibition “Tears on my Pillow”
Tha Banque Art Gallery
Bergen (NH)
Starts October 17th 2024

House 2
An installation filled with glimmers of hope.
The rooms in House 2 will be filled with small works of arts. They represent small moments of happiness and hope of/for people while enduring hardship.
The rooms reveal themselves through distant movement and sensors.

99 participants shared their stories, their sparkle of joy .
43 Are preserved as small art works, inside the rooms of House 2.
Do you want to participate?:

Exhibited during:

20 August – 9 September (weekends 13.00 – 17.00):
-Franz Pfanner Huis, Arcen,
“De wondere wereld van Andrea”
during the Literarischer Sommer with writer Toine Heijmans and Roth Löbner, Bibliotheek Venlo.
-Kunstmaand Ameland. (More info soon.)

House 2.5
An installation made of jute and roots, of 4.5 x 2.0 m.
The house is high and light, attached to the ceiling of the chapel. Its roots are not grounded.

Exhibited during:

20 August – 9 September (weekends 13.00 – 17.00):
-Franz Pfanner Huis, Arcen,
“De wondere wereld van Andrea”
during the Literarischer Sommer with writer Toine Heijmans and Roth Löbner, Bibliotheek Venlo.

Northern light
Prototype of an ongoing project. A semi-transparant painting, which combines solitude and a real time moving Aurora.

Participation: (technics)Jelle Haandrikman.

A Forest awakening
Acrylic paint, tree bark, rice paper, linen, LED lighting.

8 t/m 29 March 2020: exhibited in the Chapel, Reuver

Inside the box, outside
Interactive video-installation which presents freedom in Limburg (the Netherlands), through an overview off 75 interviewed people. It confronts the viewer with it’s own reactions to these stories…..
The participation of: Jacqueline Martens (Film) and TDvenlo (technics), o.a. Jelle Haandrikman.

8-9 December 2019, ECI Roermond: Vrijheid in Kunst, in honor of 35 years of Art Circle Artimosa.

-9-12 January: Limburg Film Festival
-June – July 2020 Museum van Bommel van Dam, Klaasstraat 38, 5911 JR Venlo

Free Birds 1
A work which combines freedom, painting, sculpture, light and semi transparancy.

Mixed media, canvas, lace, juten and light.
ca. 210 x 80 cm.

Free Birds 1

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© 2025 Andrea Haandrikman-Schraets

Thema door Anders Norén